finally one massive assingment is over..5 more to go..super stress and coincidently da assingment is about stress..LOL..wanna blog oso no energy to type..anywayz, the month of febuary and current month march has been quite interesting..celebrated CNY with friends..visit houses,collected ang pau's and ate good foods...i had a great time with them..haha..even though i enjoyed the CNY week, there were some incidents that kinda got me shaken..ok,some of u guys might not believe wat im gonna say but it didnt jas happen to me but quite alot of other friends too.
it happened on a thursday mornin..bout 4am..the day before it happened,i was out for a friends dinner and came home bit tipsy..got a few drinks..heheh..anywayz,wen i reached home i slept like a log..didnt move at all...couldnt sleep coz i felt like something wasn't right around myself...i didnt care much coz i was soooo tired...2 hours later i heard a loud boom outside my room..sounded like a big explosion... my mom came running to my room and woke me up..she was like "joel!!! come 2 da hall quickly..sumthings happening..i was like plz dun wake me..i really couldnt open my eyes la...still, got out from my bed and wen to da hall dragging my feet...wat i saw next really made my jaw drop..my sliding glass door was vibrating and shaking at a rate so fast,i tot it would break anytime...i checked outside but there was no wind blowing...nothing is hitting da glass alos but it kept shaking... me, my mom and both sis was quite scared...im still a MAN OKAY...haha...it stopped for a min and suddenly sumthing banged again on da glass..tis continued for atleast more than an hour...FREAKY!!!!!....all we could do was sit and pray watever tryin to come in da house would go away....this happened after my dad went to work bout 4am...my mom and sis were too terrified so i asked them to go upstairs..dun open any windows or doors...letting 'IT' in would be a huge mistake...i couldnt sleep at all after dat...sigh*...i really dunno wat happened..mayb my head is playing tricks and games wit me but my whole family witnessed it...i really cant explain it but im still shaken..for da moment la...ahhahah.
watever dat i experienced, dat exact same stuff happened to a few other frens..i aint gonna put their name's ere..alot more stuffs happened but its to deep to go into la..dun wanna spread the story..as if people would believe..but to those who experienced it, ya'll know wat im talkin about...seeing is believing..TRUE.
end of spooky stories..haha
songs can really either cheer a person or make him or her feel the emotion they wanna feel...i heard a very nice song played at my friends mother's funeral...its called 'coming back home'...listening to the song kinda made me emotional and teary...well,gotta blame my fren next to me oso..she was cryin hard...no pun intended...da lyrics was so beautiful and touching...wasnt a suprise coz it was written by some great and talented people in the church...okok,cant be emo edi.
im just wandering, if something happened to me, and i will never get the chance to do or say what i wanna say...i might never show my love to a special someone..never get to see a bright new hope..never to see a chance coming by...she'll never know what i am to her...i cant live my life on regrets coz life is unpredictable...i can be here one moment, another moment im gone..i dun want it to be too late..what you think of me?..someday you'll look back, and see me holding you in my arms...what more can i say?me and you? ni he wo?
it happened on a thursday mornin..bout 4am..the day before it happened,i was out for a friends dinner and came home bit tipsy..got a few drinks..heheh..anywayz,wen i reached home i slept like a log..didnt move at all...couldnt sleep coz i felt like something wasn't right around myself...i didnt care much coz i was soooo tired...2 hours later i heard a loud boom outside my room..sounded like a big explosion... my mom came running to my room and woke me up..she was like "joel!!! come 2 da hall quickly..sumthings happening..i was like plz dun wake me..i really couldnt open my eyes la...still, got out from my bed and wen to da hall dragging my feet...wat i saw next really made my jaw drop..my sliding glass door was vibrating and shaking at a rate so fast,i tot it would break anytime...i checked outside but there was no wind blowing...nothing is hitting da glass alos but it kept shaking... me, my mom and both sis was quite scared...im still a MAN OKAY...haha...it stopped for a min and suddenly sumthing banged again on da glass..tis continued for atleast more than an hour...FREAKY!!!!!....all we could do was sit and pray watever tryin to come in da house would go away....this happened after my dad went to work bout 4am...my mom and sis were too terrified so i asked them to go upstairs..dun open any windows or doors...letting 'IT' in would be a huge mistake...i couldnt sleep at all after dat...sigh*...i really dunno wat happened..mayb my head is playing tricks and games wit me but my whole family witnessed it...i really cant explain it but im still shaken..for da moment la...ahhahah.
watever dat i experienced, dat exact same stuff happened to a few other frens..i aint gonna put their name's ere..alot more stuffs happened but its to deep to go into la..dun wanna spread the story..as if people would believe..but to those who experienced it, ya'll know wat im talkin about...seeing is believing..TRUE.
end of spooky stories..haha
songs can really either cheer a person or make him or her feel the emotion they wanna feel...i heard a very nice song played at my friends mother's funeral...its called 'coming back home'...listening to the song kinda made me emotional and teary...well,gotta blame my fren next to me oso..she was cryin hard...no pun intended...da lyrics was so beautiful and touching...wasnt a suprise coz it was written by some great and talented people in the church...okok,cant be emo edi.
im just wandering, if something happened to me, and i will never get the chance to do or say what i wanna say...i might never show my love to a special someone..never get to see a bright new hope..never to see a chance coming by...she'll never know what i am to her...i cant live my life on regrets coz life is unpredictable...i can be here one moment, another moment im gone..i dun want it to be too late..what you think of me?..someday you'll look back, and see me holding you in my arms...what more can i say?me and you? ni he wo?
hey jo....i think its time u re-edit the links for ryan...cmon man...update it!!!>...go see wats stated on ryan's name....not to mention the other end wei.....
BOO! hahaha i didnt realise! yup! do edit it. cuz i mite just sue u if i come up with a cartoon named chip n dot *pirated version of chip n dale* :P
i wish i could but i know i couldnt coz im not sure how to change...ahahaha..dun worry la,ill change very soon..lol..sue me??50 cent enuf edi la...haha
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